Monday, March 7, 2011


Spring is fast approaching and peoples thoughts turn to getting in shape and building those muscles....well despite that I am a loyal P90X guy and certainly try to keep in my best shape, my thoughts today are to a different type of muscles....the mussel. (Hey you come up with a daily segue!)

Let's talk about mussels for a bit. Now don't be intimated here. Mussels are surprisingly simple to make, relatively inexpensive and once you get down the basic premise of the preparation of this tasty little mollusk, the variations you can make are endless. I'm telling you once I'm done with you here today you will be Master of Mussels. It's almost as easy as 1,2,3. In fact that's how I'll divide this up...

Step 1: Mussel Selection and Prep
These days you can really get good fresh mussels year round (in the US). Most large supermarkets have them in their seafood section And once
again if you have a local fish monger, please please please, get to know them and you will reap the rewards. I like to tap the bag and make sure those guys are still alive and kicking. They should close up when you tap them.

TPC NOTE: If they are not closing up they are probably dead and I'd stay away from them. Seafood poising is probably one of the worst tings in life you can go through.

Once home, rinse and debeard (they probably won't need to be scrubbed if from the market). Discard any that stay open. Place them in a large bowl and cover with a damp towel. They will keep for 2-3 days....but really? How are you going to wait that long? Exactly.

Step 2: Base Prep

OK here is the fun part where you can really get creative. You'll find a lot of recipes out there for garlic and white wine....can't go wrong there.

Here's where you'll add some onion (Red, yellow, shallots etc) to a butter or olive oil (or better yet a little of each!). Cook down until they are softened. Throw in 2-3 cloves chopped garlic. Salt and pepper to taste. Some preferred herbs (Parsley (about 1/2 cup) and thyme (1/2 -1 tsp) are very popular here but try other things like basil, red pepper flakes, etc). Add 1-2 cups of "drinkable" white wine....bring to a boil and move to step 3.

Step 3: Add the Mussels

Once you've got a nice boil, add the mussels and cover. This should only take about 3 minutes tops. Give it a quick spoon toss and you're ready to serve. You can pour in bowls with liquid along with some toasted bread (which I love to rub with fresh garlic) or in a big bowl family style with side plates. Also fun. And if more people show up than you expected. No problem. Simply put the mussels in a side bowl pour a pound of (almost al dente pasta) in the pot. Cook to al dente. Throw the mussels back in. Bowl them up and throw some fresh parsley on top (a lil parm? ok) and you're still the hero.

Here I did Mussels with Chorizo and Jalapeno. This is wonderful heat and all you want to do is mop it up with some bread..In Step 2 here I did:

Cook the 3-4 chorizo links until brown over med-high heat. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels on plate. Leave a some of the chorizo fat in the fan (eyeball 1 tbsp) the pan.
Add 2-3 tbsp butter and melt, add the 1 onion sliced, 1-2 Jalapeno Peppers sliced crosswise. Cook down until the vegetables are soft. Add 1 can plum tomatoes (break them up by hand as you put them in) and cook, another 2 minute. Add two healthy splashes of white wine and cook another few minutes as it reduces. GO TO STEP 3. Serve with a sprinkle of chopped cilantro (or parsley if you don't like cilantro) and a fresh squeeze of lime juice.....and of course the bread.

WINE NOTE: Of course you can served with whatever white wine you used to cook with, but don't hesitate to throw a nice Zinfandel in there as well. Never a bad choice for a spicy little dish.

You have a good basis to start playing. Go online, look some up! There's beers and creams and all sorts of herbs and spices you can add.

As always just enjoy, have fun...and eat well!



Christy Coffey said...

I know that the Philosophical Cook is not a fan of facial hair... but how does one debeard a mussel?

TPC said...

So true, so true, though I think Robert Downey Jr, pulled it off well in Iron Man.

Debearding is a piece of cake. Just pinch the little beard with your fingers, pull and rinse. Though somewhat's a piece of cake.

Unknown said...

Made these TPC-way with the chorizo, jalepenos and shrimp for a party of 4. D-licious! Easy! Low-carb!! 5lbs of mussels...absolutely loved the unexpected chorizo flavor. Thanks for the recipe!

TPC said...

Yesssss.....Love to hear that! And you went spicy....I SO respect that! Cin Cin!