
Just another cooking blog.....well....maybe....maybe. I guess it all depends what you're looking for.

I look at it like this. You can never share enough in this world when it comes to great cooking and great cooking ideas. I don't think you need to be a chef to do this...though that certainly doesn't hurt. But I guess I am of the mind that anyone can cook.....as long as it is something you desire to do.

So why the philosophical cook? Great question, I'm glad you asked.

Two of my passions are great words and obviously great cooking. I have found that you can be moved at certain times in your life by great words and I have often used them or my own in the inspiration of myself and in others. And in this day when a word is just as easily lost on the wind that carries it, I think we have a duty to keep great thoughts alive.

If you think about some of the most amazing times in your life you can probably tie a great meal or a great drink to what was happening around you which I'm sure included wonderful friends or family and of course music. And some time later on in life you have that meal again and are immediately rocketed back to the memory of that wonderful time you had. So in a way....food can be your very own time machine. OK that was a little too deep.

I hope you join me on this journey of great food, great words....some great wines...and just the sharing of great times.

Please feel free to add comments or ideas or pictures....always happy to share THAT is what great food is all about.

So grab your knife, grab a cutting board, pour a glass and let's GET IN THERE....and don't forget....taste....taste...taste....taste.